Monday 24 June 2013

Cross Crountry

On your marks get set 'BANG' as the race started I was starting to get lots & lots of butterfly I didn't know what to expect. Everyone was rushing to get to the front of the group and thats when i fell over as we got to the down hill part thats when the group started to slipt. when i got to my second lap i couldn't think about anything else but finishing the race. when i got to the circle part of finishing the race everyone from different houses were saying 'go sheridan' & better yet all the Rimu people put their hands out and were cheering me on till the end.
And when i got to the end the people said well done you got 20th.


I have completed another homework challenge by running in the cross country and i also completed my goal by getting top 20 or under so super pumped!  

Wednesday 5 June 2013

Homework Challenge Maths

I have competed another homework challenge by maths grid under 2 mins. I have also put this as one of my honurs badge and Miss McKenzie saw me do this homework challenge.