Tuesday 25 March 2014

Homework (Maths)

here is my math homework
!!!!!!have a look and enjoy :) !!!!!


Here is my ordering operations video!
have a look & enjoy :)

Thursday 20 March 2014

Hands on water expo

On thursday a group of Tauranga intermediate students went to Pongaroa and attended a hands on water. The main topic was about saving our water for the future. One thing that stood out for me was when we were with toby (instructor) and he was telling us loads of great facts about eels. One fact I learned for this was the how to tell the difference between eels and then after we got to touch a eel I was nervous at first but then I got over it. 

Tuesday 18 March 2014

Wednesday 12 March 2014

Thursday 6 March 2014

Homework Technology (art) day 3 & 4

today and yesterday was awesome!!! we and yesterday we got our pieces of wood back and had to cut more out of it, then we got the colour black and put in over the other ones we did tuesday. After we did that we had to do a better one with black paper and white ink then we had to put some words into it that represent the great Gate Pa battle that happened 150 years ago this year!!!!!!.
Also I will put some pictures up soon When Mrs Mills sends them to the class!!!!

Tuesday 4 March 2014

Homework Technology (art) day 2

Today we got given a little piece of wood after we had to draw something that represented the great battle of Gate Pa because its the 150 year since it happened so we firstly we had to do a draft in our art book then we got a 'yes' by our art teacher we would cut a bit of it with art specially things (will find out what their called tomorrow)  Then we would get rollers again then put the colour yellow on to it and then again get a another piece of paper and put it onto that.

In this picture this our one of our art teachers at Tauranga Intermediate School explaining what we need to do.

In this picture this is one of the great Gate Pa Battle Pictures done by some of the pupils at our school.

In this picture is the rollers and showing you what it looked like.


Homework Technology (art) Day 1

Firstly we drew on a piece of paper of what we could see in front of us, Then we got given a another piece and we had to trace it onto it, after we got the given the colour red and got rollers and had to roll it the colour red onto it then we would put it onto another piece of paper And we would do it again also After a while we got to add more colours in.

Sunday 2 March 2014

45 Minute Inquiry Possums


In the picture above are two Possums. Possums aren't as friendly as they might look they might look cute but they are actually cannibals to their own kind, They eat birds eggs, destroy our beautiful nature. They can also hear quite a bit because of their big ears and as you can see their appearance is brown eyes, pointy nose, larger ears and have a lot of fur. Their is about 30 millon possums in New Zealand, they are not native to this country and they were also bought in to New Zealand around 1837 From Australia.