Monday 16 June 2014

Current events reading

Vegetarian Crocodiles? You Better Believe It!

Article Comprehension:

  1.  In Nyanyana there are 164,000 unusual crocodiles that are vegetarian because they eat pellets. They also have softer skin and these crocodiles sleep more than other crocodiles that are raised in the wild and with meat.
  2. The owners of these crocodiles in Nyanyana could not afford to be buying meat for 164,000 crocodiles so one day in 2006 they decided to mix pellets with meat, vegetables. After a while they noticed that when they feed the crocodiles the vegetables nothing happen so they decided that it would be cheaper and more affordable option. 
  3. What are the crocodiles being bred for: The crocodiles are bred for their skin which gets sold to European tanneries which gets turned into leather and sold to fashion shops such as Gucci and other great known shops, when transfered to those shops they are then turned into expensive handbags, shoes and belts.

1 comment:

  1. Great work Sheridan. I like the way you included the question in your answer. What about the Critical Thinking Challenge?
