Thursday 4 December 2014

Writing Prompts

I wouldn't like these status bubbles because it gives out to much information about your personal life. I would like it if your friends were the only that could see your status bubble because any random stranger could just make up that they know you when they really don't. Another reason why I wouldn't want it is because everyone lies in the world, its apart of life so if we had these status bubbles saying our life story then it would be a boring world!!!!.

Sunday 30 November 2014

Clever names

Does Oscar The Cat Have A Sixth Sense? One Doctor Certainly Thinks So

When the administrators of the Steere House Nursing and Rehabilitation Center inProvidence, Rhode Island, adopted six 'therapy' cats from an animal shelter, they had no idea that among them was one that possessed an uncanny sixth sense to predict theimpending death of terminally ill patients.
Oscar the tabby cat's story begins in 2005, when the newly born kitten was placed on third floor of the nursing center, home to patients that are in the last stages of illnesses like Alzheimer'sParkinson's and cancer. The kitten spent the first year lazing around and watching the bustling activity around him. Then, just before his first birthday, Oscar began visiting each of the 41-patients on the floor regularly, just like the doctors and nurses did.
Initially, the hospital staff did not pay much attention to the feline's behavior. However, after some of the people that Oscar was snuggled next to passed away, they began to notice a pattern - the cat only went close to those that were a few hours away from dying. Otherwise, he would curl up on a desk and spend the day sleeping.
To test if it was just a coincidence, the staff tried to place Oscar next to a patient they believed was close to dying. But the paranormal cat refused to stay put and decided to snuggle next to someone else. Turns out he was right because 'his' patient died that same evening, while the one whose death the nurses had thought was imminent, lived on for another two days.
Among the biggest believers in Oscar's paranormal powers is Dr. David Dosa, ageriatrician and Assistant Professor at Brown University. He is so convinced of Oscar's unusual 'gift' that he not only published a paper about him in the New England Journal of Medicine, but also wrote a book. Entitled "Making rounds with Oscar: The extraordinary gift of an ordinary cat’, the 2010 publication outlines the various pieces of evidence he has been able to gather about the cat's predicting powers. Also convinced is the hospital staff who has been using Oscar's foretelling abilities to inform family members so they can bid farewell to their loved ones before it's too late.
Of course, not everyone believes that Oscar has a sixth sense. Some feline experts think that his perfect timing may have to do with a certain smell that the cat has come to associate with death. Others speculate it may have to do with the lack of movement in people that are about to die.
Then there are the skeptics who maintain that Oscar's record is not as perfect as it has been made out to be. They think that the hospital staff and Dr. Dosa have simply 'cherry-picked' the occasions when Oscar has been accurate and ignored the ones when he has not. Fortunately, none of this negative chatter has affected nine-year-old Oscar who continues to provide comfort to sick people in their final hours!

Sunday 23 November 2014

Movie Challenge Reflection

Movie Challenge Reflection

What your group did well?
- We worked as a team

What would YOU do differently next time?
- Spend more time on editing
- Make sure that everyone had a job to do 

Based on the criteria, how would you improve your movie if we gave you time.
- Edit the movie better
- Make the camera shots better
- Not make one person do all the work


Able to work collaboratively as a team to produce a movie

Quality of message - 

Life Ed theme. Shows understanding or learning from Life Ed programme

Able to use film making conventions

Camera angles, dramatic intention

Sound quality

Ability to ensure all dialogue is heard

Sunday 9 November 2014


The high diving board

I lay there straight with no movement as each and every day people with different shapes and sizes flip and jump of me. I hear the wind blowing the trees from side to side and kids yelling at the top of there voices. I can smell nice hot coffees mixed in with the smell of kids damp clothes. It not fair how I get used more than the little diving board. I can feel different peoples bare feet standing on the top of my back. I can see lots of kids enjoying themselves, a bunch of smiles and sad of all dark skies.

Monday 3 November 2014

Life Education

hange the subject

alk away
oughen up
ay no



echanical skills


Addition is when you need a something so bad that it helps you to feel normal.

Sunday 31 August 2014

America's Favorite Giant Panda Celebrates First Birthday

Article Comprehension:

Every animal turns one so why was Bao Bao's first birthday so special? Bao Bao's birthday is so special because he is the other giant panda born at the National zoo. 

How did the zookeepers celebrate it? The zoo keeper celebrates Bao Bao's birthday by starting it off with a Chinese tradition, the party starts with the Bao Bao being offered a choice of three honey dipped bamboo shoots, next to each other was a colourful hand printed poster labeled 'long life', 'good heath' and 'Many clubs'. Given that the pandas first choice is believed to predict the future, it was fortunate that Bao Bao immediately gravitated to the 'Long Life' Bamboo. 

What are some of the things Bao Bao has learnt during his first year? 
She has lean't to respond to her name and stand on the scale tall on the scales, during her monthly weigh-ins. 

What are some of the things in store for her before she turns two? She will stop drinking her mothers milk and then just like the pandas in the wild, move away from home'.

Sunday 24 August 2014

Dangerous Decibels

Today we had our first lesson of Dangerous Decibels, I really enjoyed it because this session was all about our ears and how to take care of them so that in the future we can still hear without having to use hearing aids. 

Did you know that 85 dB and under is the safest amount of sound you could listen to. Sounds that are higher than 85 dB have a certain time limited for the different things E.g a Heavy metal concert if you were in the front row, you could possibly loss your hearing instantly.

Also another thing I learn't was that each sound is a vibration and that and that when it comes out as a energy and thats what hurts our ears, which can lead to hearing loss. Also another thing I learn't was NEVER PUT THINGS IN YOUR EARS!!!!! because I know that ear wax might annoy people but its good because it clears and pushes all the dirt and yuck things out of our ears, and if you put long things into your ears because your ear drum is as thin as a tissue so it can break very easily if pressure is going to be put onto it and then it will leave you with ear problems.

Mining Cavern Transforms Into World's Largest Underground Trampoline Park

Article Comprehension:

How is Bounce Below different from other trampoline parks?
One of the special things about this trampoline park is that its the largest trampoline park in the world !!! and that its also underground which is different to the ones here in Tauranga.

What are some of the things visitors will experience at Bounce Below?
Visitors will experience that all the tramps are connected by slides, chutes and ladders and much more.

The two zip lines are called Velocity or Titan they also lie 45 minutes of each other, and neither of them are ordinary.

Sunday 17 August 2014

Homework Challenges (Physical Activity and the Outdoors)

Compete in a sport for an entire season

!!! Hockey !!!

Last friday Jordan & I and a few others walked to Tauranga Boys college to play hockey which started at 4pm. Firstly our team played Bethlehem College :), they were a good team but not good enough for the TIS raiders (My Team) because we smashed with a score of 11-3 or around that. I was really happy because I scored some of the goals !!!!!!!!!!

!!! Netball !!!

Last saturday was the semi finals for netball so this one game was the decided on if we were going to be in the finals for this weekend or not. Last saturday we played Papamoa  and I knew that it was going to be a nail biting game because they were known to us for coming out strong in a game. Well at first it was starting to be a close game but as they game went on the TIS team began to take the lead so by the end of the game there was a HUGE different between the two scores which by the end was 52-22 to TIS. 

Thursday 14 August 2014

Homework Challenges (Physical Activity and the Outdoors)

Homework Challenges (Physical Activity and the Outdoors)

Aims Training

Today at 7am my aims team and I had a fitness training and practice. First My team started with 2 laps around the gym floors, then we did 5 sprints (1=their and back). After the sprints we went straight into 3x30 push ups, after we did a set of push ups we would get a 30 second break then straight back into it. Then after we did our 3x30 push ups we went back into 5 sprints. After that we did sit ups, the first set was 20 then the next set was 15 then 10. Then we went back into our sprints after that we did static lunges we also did 3 x 30 sets on each leg for those. Then after that we did 5 sprints. After we had done all that it was about 7.30 so we did some ball skills and went into half court for a bit. When the time struck 7.10am Miss Abbot had to go to a meeting so we did some warming down exercising drills then to end our training we went for a Rimu house normal run. 

Wednesday 13 August 2014

How Maui slowed the sun

Here is a video I put together of how Maui slowed the sun ( Well my version of the story ;) ).

Tuesday 12 August 2014

Homework Challenges (Physical Activity and the Outdoors)

Homework Challenges (Physical Activity and the Outdoors)


This term if you didn't know already is Aims games !!!!!!!!!! This year there is over 7,300 competitors  in 2014 Aims games. This year I am lucky enough to be in the Tauranga Intermediate 1 Aims netball team. This year for netball there is over 90 teams just in netball (which is quiet a lot). Last year I was in the same team. At Tauranga Intermediate school there are 2 netball teams that compete, I'm in the first team. The first team is the girls that got picked first and usually get a higher score than the other team when we compete at Aims, Because the No.1 Aims team is basically made  of the year 8 A team and a few B we haven't really had heaps of practices together. But for now our Aims team has practised with the TGC junior A. We didn't win but it wasn't really about that. My Aims team also competed in the Winter elite tournament we played AMAZING teams from Whakatane to Gisbourne they were all great and something that made it better was that we won the whole tournament and we got a medal. It was a great achievement for us.

Over the next couple weeks I'll keep this updated on all our prastices, fitness training and say what we have done. I will also keep this updated on Aims week to tell you how were doing.

Homework (Giving)

Give of your time: Visit an elderly person at least eight times over two terms

Last sunday my team and I participated in the last Harbourside netball tournament for this year. Lucky my team did extremely well because we won our division. After netball which went to about 2.30ish - 3 my family went over and visited my granddad. He was very pleased with the result of my team winning and we also talked about other things while I was there. I was also so proud because my grandad also taught how to make coffee :). It wasn't my type of drink but soon enough I think I will probably like it. 

Post photos Soon. :)

Homework Challenges (Physical Activity and the Outdoors)

Compete in a sport for an entire season

!!! Hockey !!!

On friday the 8th Of August I played Hockey at 6pm. My team played the TIS Pumas (Jordans team) our team only had enough players just so meaning that none would come off. The TIS Pumas were a really good team in the first half the score 1-3 to the Pumas. In the second half the score was 5-3 still to the Pumas. I think the game was good because everyone tried there best and thats what the games all about. In this game I played left/right half.

!!! Netball !!!

Last Saturday My team and I played our hardest team in our pool we played Mount Intermediate !!!!.
They came out fighting so did we In the first quarter we were winning by 6 in the second quarter we were a tie. In the third quarter My netball team was losing by 6 and in the forth quarter we just scarped up and won the game by 3 points (23-26 to Tauranga). I was very proud of my team because we had beaten this team and we haven't even had our coach because she's been out of the country for the last two weeks.

Also on Sunday we had a Netball tournament. Our first game was at 9.30am so we had to be there at 9am. During the whole day My team and I played Otumoetai, Tauranga intermediate 8B, Papamoa, Mount and aquinas it was a hard race to the end but we lucky pulled it off and won the tourament.
In the prize giving we got up in front of everyone and we all shook there hand and got a bag of goodies and yummy chocolate.

Monday 4 August 2014

Homework (Giving)

Give of your time: Visit an elderly person at least eight times over two terms

This is my Pop is a great and powerful man that manages to strive and push though anything if he puts his mind to it. At the age of 77 he is still living an incredible life thanks to his 3 amazing Childs and his 5 great grandchildren. unfortunately for him his wife passed away 20 years ago from the killer decease which is called Cancer. People say that as people start to get to an old age they get crazier and crazier well for my granddad thats not true, he's funny, humorous and is a great role model. Because I already visit my granddad nearly every week I'm am going to put blog posts up to show you how great he is and how lucky enough I am to have him in my life.

Homework Challenges (Physical Activity and the Outdoors)

Compete in a sport for an entire season

Hockey & Netball

These last two terms I have played two sports these have made my weeks busy with lots of practices and games to try and our best and be the best team we can be. At the moment it is winter so the winter sports that I'm in at the competing in at the moment is Hockey and Netball. I like both these sports because there both different but fun at the same time. This was my first year playing hockey I didn't really know what I was doing or how to play, As for netball I started netball in the end of year 4 and have loved it ever since. The reason why I wanted to play netball is because of my mum she used to play indoor netball so as I was little I used to always come with her to her netball practices and her games hoping when I was older I could play and follow in her foot steps. The reason why I wanted to play hockey is because I thought it was much different to other sports with the stick and the mouth guard and everything. My mum also thought that I could be good at because I'm short and close to the ground so I could just hit the ball instead of being like a tall person and having to bend over and have pains in my back.

Mrs Mills gave us these home work Tasks last week so I will tell you the results from last week.

Netball: Last week we had a hard game we played Papamoa College. They surprised me I didn't think they would be as good as they were. It was a hard battle to the end but thankful we were able to pull it off with the score of 38-27 to Tauranga Intermediate I was so pleased with the team and all the hard work the had put into the game as we also were all tried from friday as on friday we had the Winter elite tournament (which Tauranga Intermediate won!!!)  

Hockey: As for hockey the other team wasn't able to come and they kindly had given my team some notice about it. So my team was going to have a friendly kids VS parents game unfortunately my parents were busy and not able to take me to hockey so I couldn't play with my team but I kinda think that it was a good think because I was also kinda tried from the tournament.

Thursday 24 July 2014

Japanese Scientist Builds Robots That Look Eerily Human

Article Comprehension:

What are androids?
Androids are robots with a human appearance.

Name the three robots Professor Hiroshi Ishiguro has created for the 'Android: What is Human' exhibition?
Otonaroid , Kodomoroid , Telenoid

What are their respective roles?
The teleoperated Otonaroid will act as the museum's robot science communicator for the duration of the exhibition. Her duties include having one-on-one conversations with visitors, which Ishighuro believes will help people become more comfortable around androids.

Why are androids more difficult to build then normal robots?
Because they talk, blink and look like humans.

Wednesday 23 July 2014

Video Of The Week - British Competition Honors Naughty Pets

Article Comprehension:

Why did Direct Blinds ask people to post pet pictures on their Facebook page? Direct Blind made a face book page to find the naughtiest of the naughtiest dogs in Britain.

What title did Yodie win? Yodie the dog won Britains Naughtiest Pet and his owner $500 pounds sterling and free custom Blinds.

What did he do to deserve it? Yodie hates cushions the most so over a two week period he attacked every cushion that was in the house he was staying in at the time.

What are the 2nd and 3rd place winners known to do frequently? 2nd place was harry, he got second because he would shred newspaper and magazines. 3rd place was a black cat, she got this because she likes to open the fridge and lick the tops of the milk bottles.

Tuesday 22 July 2014


The Story of Ranginui and Papatuanuku

Who is Ranginui? Sky father
Who is Papatuanuku? Earth mother
Who is the god of the forests? Tane Mahuta
Who is the god of the winds? Tawhirimatea
Who is the god of war? Tumatauenga
Who is the god of the sea? Tangaroa

These islands are well known to locals but to Maori of Tauranga these island have their own respective Maori names. Find out these names.

Islands in Tauranga Moana
Leisure Island - Moturiki Island
Peach Island - Motuopae Island
Rat Island - Motuopuhi Island
Mayor Island - TÅ«hua Island

Towns in the Bay of Plenty Can you name the towns situated between Tauranga and Whakatane? with Maori names
1. Te Puke
2. Maketu
3. Matata

Joey Chestnut Wins Hot Dog Eating Contest for Eighth Consecutive Year!

Article Comprehension:

Who was responsible for making Nathan's hot dog contest famous?
 In 2007 Joey Chestnut won he first hot dog eating contest. From then this activity has been getting bigger and bigger each year with July 4th tradition. Now this is being viewed by millions of people every year because it is board casted on TV

How many hot dogs did he eat?
 Joey Chestnut demolished 61 franks in under 10 minutes !!!

How many years has Joey Chestnut won the contest prior to this year? 
Prior to this year Joey Chestnut has held the title of winning the hot god contest for 7 consecutive years.

What significant event occurred before the contest began?
 Before Joey scoffed down all those hot dogs he proposed to his girlfriend and she happily said yes !!!

What happened in the women's contest?
 Sonya 'black widow' has won this contest 3 times in a row but Miki Sudo from Las Vegas, Miki smashed Sonya by inhaling 34 frankfurters and Sonya eating 27 3/4

Monday 21 July 2014

I had an awesome trip to Bali and visited many of the places you recommended. Here are a few pictures from my trip. Find out about what or why is happening in them.

1. These little parcels are left outside everyday. You see them everywhere. What are they for?

Canang sari is one of the daily offerings made by most people of Bali to thank the Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa in praise and prayer. Canang sari will be seen in the Balinese temples (pura), on small shrines in houses, and on the ground or as a part of a larger offering.

2. It was the first day back at school when we arrived. These kids meet their teachers at the beach. They were about your age. Find out about school in Bali. 

Most school in Bali, start at 9am - 11am the finishing times for schools in Bali vary from 1pm - 4pm. They go to school 6 days a week. 

3. They have tanks of these fish everywhere. You pay $3 to soak your feet in them for 15 mins. The fish nibble at your feet. Find out what type of fish they are and what they are doing?

These fish are called Garra Fufa. They nibble at your feet to take away all the dead skin which makes them as soft as a babies butt. Some people say that you can get badly sick from these fish because they can cause a infection.

4. This was taken at a batik factory. What is batik?

Batik is a fabric dyeing method using wax to create patterns and designs. This uses a lot of resist technique then you apply some of the areas with wax to prevent them from losing there colours with there dip died.

5. This is the Saraswati Temple in Ubud. Who is it dedicated to?

The Saraswati temple in Ubud is dedicated to the Hindu Goddess Saraswati. 

Wednesday 2 July 2014

Caveman poo suggests they may have eaten vegetables

1. Q:How many years ago did caveman live? 

2. Q:Which part of Spain did the caveman live in?
     A: Southern Spain

3. Q: What was contained in the caveman's samples? 
     A:Traces of meat

4. Q:What did they eat other than meat? 
    A: Plants, such as tubers, berries, and nuts. 

5. Q:Who said that Neanderthals probably eat what was available in different situations, seasons, and climates?
A: Anaira Sistiaga

6. Q:What was microfossils trapped in?
      A: Neanderthal teeth

7. Q: Who are Neanderthals close evolutionary cousins of our own species? 
      A: Homo sapiens

- Use at least 3 of the 7 servants

- Questions must make sense

- Question MUST have a question mark.

Sunday 29 June 2014

Current events reading

Two-Year-Old Peanut Crowned 'World's Ugliest Dog'

Article Comprehension:

How many years has the 'World's Ugliest Dog' contest been around? The worlds ugliest dog contest has been around for 26 years in Santa Rosa Californian USA.

How many contestants did it attract this year?
This year in the Ugliest dog contest their were 29 dogs that entered this contest.

How did this year's winner Peanut get his 'ugly' looks?
Peanut got his ugly looks because peanut was badly burn't in a fire which has now caused him to to loose his lips, most of his body hair and eyelids. As a result peanuts eyes constantly water.

What is the organiser's main purpose for organising this unusual competition? 
The people think that this is a great idea to honour these animals who might look different to other dogs in many ways. But it raises awareness for their adoption by showing the world that physical detractions do not prevent dogs from becoming loving pets

Tuesday 24 June 2014

Current events reading

Australia's Favorite White Humpback Makes A Rare Appearance.

Article Comprehension:

What is so special about Migaloo? The reason why Migaloo is the worlds first documented hump back whale. He was also spotted with 5 other whales as they made there way from Antarctica to Queensland in Western Australia. Migaloo is a 55 ton all white humpback whale. The people of Australia have also given Migaloo him his name which is aboriginal.

Cite a few facts from the article that tell you how precious Migaloo is to the people of Australia: Migaloo was first spotted in Australia Byron Bay in 1991, Migaloo became the local darling and he was the towns 'special interest whale' which means that boats, jet skies etc have to be at least 500 meters if people do not follow that rule then they can get charged a 12,500 fine. Also over the past years Migaloo fans have made him Facebook pages, twitter account they have done this in Migaloo's honour.

Why is Migaloo known as a 'hypo-pigmented' humpback? People seem to refer to Migaloo with that name because experts believe that Migaloo's colour is called by a genetic skin condition called albinism. So thats why Migaloo is called 'hypo pigmented.

Is he the only one? He could be because in this article they have only stated that Migaloo's the only one with this condition. But also in this article it did state that they have seen another Hump back whale in September 2011.

Wednesday 18 June 2014

Current events reading

Who Knew Corn Flakes Could Look So Good?

Article Comprehension:
What cereal does Rosado use to create her portraits?
Sarah Rosado uses Grains of Corn Flakes to create her great portraits while she eats her breakfast, Which is also Corn Flakes.

Why does it take so long to create each masterpiece? 
To create Sarah Rosado masterpieces it takes her up to 5 hours. 

Name some celebrities that have featured in her cereal art series. What kind of art did Rosando unveil in 2013.
Sarah Rosado Stunning models are Michel Jackson, Bob Marley, Alicia Keys, John lennon.