Thursday 14 August 2014

Homework Challenges (Physical Activity and the Outdoors)

Homework Challenges (Physical Activity and the Outdoors)

Aims Training

Today at 7am my aims team and I had a fitness training and practice. First My team started with 2 laps around the gym floors, then we did 5 sprints (1=their and back). After the sprints we went straight into 3x30 push ups, after we did a set of push ups we would get a 30 second break then straight back into it. Then after we did our 3x30 push ups we went back into 5 sprints. After that we did sit ups, the first set was 20 then the next set was 15 then 10. Then we went back into our sprints after that we did static lunges we also did 3 x 30 sets on each leg for those. Then after that we did 5 sprints. After we had done all that it was about 7.30 so we did some ball skills and went into half court for a bit. When the time struck 7.10am Miss Abbot had to go to a meeting so we did some warming down exercising drills then to end our training we went for a Rimu house normal run. 

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